
Patches - Weiter Patch zum Jahresanfang

08.01.2012 21:55

Zum Jahresanfang veröffentlicht Firefyl einen weitere Patch für Stronghold 3.

Zum Großteil wurden mit dem Patch einige weitere Fehler beseitigt.
Die genauen änderungen lassen sich den Patch Notes entnehmen.


Stronghold 3
Version - 1.7.25411
Patch Notes

- Fixed the issue with the campaign not continuing after loading in a save game from the main menu.
- Fixed an issue with sections of wall disappearing when loading in a save game.
- Fixed crash if closing a gatehouse when troops are moving through it.
- Several building footprints have been reduced.
- Buildings can be rotated by using the keyboard. Pressing SHIFT or CONTROL will allow the Q/E keys to rotate the building.
- Troops will no longer fall through the floor when crossing Stone Bridges.(User maps with this issue will need to be re-saved)
- Fixed the Fletcher occasionally making the bows in the stockpile.
- A few other potential crashes have been fixed.

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